Did you know the average Australian eats 2.6 serves of veggies and 1.6 serves of fruit per day and it is recommended you have 5 serves of vegetables and 2 serves of fruit per day.... Here are some clever ways you can add more veggies into your diet: Always serve main meals with cooked vegetables or a salad. This is the best tip ever, instead of having that second bowl of pasta go for a bowl of Salad! Roast a whole stack of veggies and keep in an air tight container in the fridge for … [Read more...]
Fiji Workouts
8 days in Fiji.... BLISS but as much as it was relaxing I still managed 4 body weight workouts to get me through the festive season A healthy lifestyle does not stop because you are on holidays.. We had buffet meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner, but we chose well... Salads and veggies first then proteins and carbs, We had dessert most evenings and a few cocktails here and there.... But we know balance and discipline and we put them into practice every single … [Read more...]
Exercise and Self Confidence
Exercise is well known for its benefits for health and longevity, but exercise can also be used to help promote Self-Confidence. Here are 4 ways in which I have personally found Exercise to improve my Self-Confidence 1. It Makes You Stronger When you exercise you gain physical strength but along the way you can also gain mental strength… When you see what your body is capable of achieving, your self-confidence sky rockets.. Every time you workout, your body gets stronger, when you … [Read more...]