Is your Coffee Habit making you Fat.

Pants feeling a little tight? Your coffee habit could be the culprit :( We have turned our coffee drinking into a theme park extravaganza, with opting for supersized, sweetened with caramel or extra cream and chocolate shavings on top…and having a donut, cookie, bagel or biscuit with it!! That could add up to an extra 600 calories or MORE in one sitting! As with food, portion size of your coffee is the key to damage control, weaning yourself off full fat milk is a good idea too. Go … [Read more...]

6 ways you can fit Exercise in!

1. Understand your ‘WHY’ and the Benefit. Exercise strengthens the body and the mind to allow you to have more energy and live a better quality of life as you get older. Did you know exercise can decrease your biological age? Yep if your organs are well looked after through a healthy lifestyle you could be up to 20 years younger on the inside! Visualise yourself as a healthy 60/70 80 year old and this should be motivation enough to keep you exercising regularly! 2. Schedule It. If you are … [Read more...]