Exercise and Self Confidence

Exercise is well known for its benefits for health and longevity, but exercise can also be used to help promote Self-Confidence.

Here are 4 ways in which I have personally found Exercise to improve my Self-Confidence

1. It Makes You Stronger

When you exercise you gain physical strength but along the way you can also gain mental strength…

When you see what your body is capable of achieving, your self-confidence sky rockets.. Every time you workout, your body gets stronger, when you realise you can lift heavier weight, or run further you get great satisfaction from seeing results for your hard work. You start to get a feeling that you can do anything…that’s Self-Confidence.

2. It ALWAYS Makes You Feel Better.

Getting yourself motivated to exercise can be hard sometimes…but deep down inside you know it ALWAYS makes you feel better.

When you feel better physically, you feel better mentally. You are better able to take on challenges. You feel more interested in trying new things and meeting new people. You have the energy mentally and physically to overcome obstacle….that’s Self-Confidence

You also develop a positive attitude and the emotional stamina needed to take on personal goals.

3. It Challenges Your Negative Thoughts

When we are unhappy with the way we look, we develop body image issues and low self-esteem. Negative self-talk can become overwhelming, overtaking our thoughts and influencing our actions.

Exercise can help us to build our self-esteem by improving the condition of our physical bodies. Even if you don’t lose a lot of weight while exercising, you are likely to strengthen and tone your body, making it firmer. Seeing these kinds of results can make you feel better about the way you look and boost your Self-Confidence.


4. Exercise Gives You A Sense Of Accomplishment

Exercise is all about setting and achieving a series of goals. You might start out aiming to walk for a half an hour every day. Then maybe you might step it up to running parts of it.  Soon, you may be running for the whole 30 mins and incorporating a weights session into your week. You may be losing weight, or improving your stamina, or developing greater endurance.

Exercise promotes a sense of accomplishment by helping you to meet small, successive goals. Each time you succeed, you get a sense of accomplishment and improve your Self-Confidence.


